Teaching overviewComments and suggestions are always welcome (teaching@mkliesch.eu). Quantum computing and characterization of quantum devices (Summer ’22)A class on quantum computation and related topics. Group seminar: Theoretical quantum science and technology (every term)Group members present and discuss their latest progress and results and give tutorial presentations. Some talks are given by external visitors. Interested students are always very welcome. Vorkurs Mathematik für Studienanfänger der Physik und Medizinischen Physik (Winter 21/22)Dieser Kurs soll Studienanfängern und Studienanfängerinnen bei der Schulmathmatik abholen und auf die Mathematikkurse im Physikstudium vorbereiten. Die Organisation des Kurses wird über ILIAS erfolgen. Inhalt
Statistische Mechanik (Winter 19/20)
Ein Skript zur Vorlesung kann hier gefunden werden. Course: Characterization and verification of quantum simulations (summer 19)
Course: Machine learning in quantum physics (winter 18/19)Quantum machine learning is an emerging research field. This first course focuses on the subfield where classical machine learning is applied in quantum physics. The goal of this course is to provide the students with the necessary skills to understand the main ideas and some details of the ongoing research. |